Write a college essay
University Of Pittsburgh College Essay Topic
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Analysis of the Fast Food Industry Essay
Presentation Aircraft industry is the subject I investigated in this examination. Organizations in this industry give planned household and worldwide traveler transportation, mail and cargo transportation. Significant US organizations incorporate American Airlines, Delta, Southwest, and United Continental, just as the air activities of expedited service organizations, for example, FedEx and UPS. The business key endurance factors are effective tasks, dependability of administrations, and wellbeing. The drivers of progress are web economy, globalization, and ease rivalry. In light of the key endurance variables and drivers of progress, enormous organizations appreciate economies of scale in buying and the capacity to offer progressively broad types of assistance. Little aircrafts can contend by serving neighborhood or provincial courses. All the data was gathered from online diaries, news, and exploration and report papers. The sources incorporate industry reports, for example, Hoover, Bloomberg, and Forbes. The information was composed by organizers and afterward summed up into Words before placing in the paper. Each source was written in a different Word record each time it was utilized. The investigation utilizes the Porter’s 5 powers and PEST examination. Key Survival Factors In aircraft industry, request relies exceptionally upon the soundness of the economy, which influences spending on business and relaxation air travel. Since numerous expenses are fixed, productive tasks go about as a center factor to decide the gainfulness of aircrafts organizations. The fundamental activities of carriers incorporate gaining and keeping up planes and air terminal offices, obtaining travelers as well as cargo, overseeing staff, and working flights. The flight gear (planes) that a carrier utilizes is urgent to effective activities. The following key endurance factor for carrier industry is security. Air traffic is developing quickly, air terminals are increasingly blocked, andâ â€Å"with 2,000,000 travelers in the United States loading up in excess of 30,000 flights each day, keeping up that security record will be a challenge.†Therefore, all aircraft organizations ought to have a methodology including the hypothesis, examination, arrangement of flight disapp ointments, and the avoidance of such disappointments through guideline, instruction, and preparing. The organization could have lost the open picture in the event that they don’t have a method ahead of time to reaction rapidly enough if there should be an occurrence of crisis. To wrap things up, unwavering quality of administration is another key endurance factor for carrier industry. A positive open picture could be created among clients because of a notoriety for dependable administrations, which can prompt more recurrent business. Dependability in the aircrafts business incorporates: reports of misused things, the on-time appearance of flights, automatic loading up dissents from overbooking flights, and traveler grievances. Those carriers that can control these components could offer better assistance to the client, and along these lines offer increasingly solid help. Drivers of Change The web and online business has totally changed the carriers dissemination (the booking and tagging of travelers for air travel). These days, explorers can book e-tickets on their trips through the airlines’ sites or an outsider site. This has permitted carriers to wipe out administrative work, lessen operational costs, and sidestep trip specialist commissions. In addition, the potential in the worldwide travel showcase makes carriers organizations center more around globalization. To encourage global development, U.S. carriers are campaigning for â€Å"open skies†arrangements between the U.S. what's more, different countries. These settlements are respective understandings that basically deregulate travel between the included nations, in this manner opening up specific markets to rivalry. â€Å"The U.S. right now has marked in excess of 60 open skies settlements with countries around the globe.†Finally, the ascent of the ease bearers has constrained an adjustment in the serious condition of the air travel industry. Southwest, and JetBlue execute minimal effort procedures that permit them to offer moderately low airfares. These low charges change the whole business and power adversaries to bring down their expenses and diminishing their tolls so as to remain serious. In general Assessment The carrier business is as of now not appealing. Both business andâ tourist travel are diminished when the economy eases back. â€Å"Global avionics traffic ordinarily rises and falls at double the pace of financial yield, so an adjustment in the economy can twofold the effect for airlines.†Because of moderately high fixed expenses of planes, air terminal offices, and work, aircrafts can’t effectively change in accordance with diminished traveler traffic. In light of the money related outcomes on Hoover’s database, the business has a low development pace of individual utilization uses starting at 2014, and it was guage to develop at a yearly exacerbated pace of 4 percent somewhere in the range of 2014 and 2018. Works Cited Mouawad, Jad, and Christopher Drew. â€Å"Airline Industry at Its Safest Since the Dawn of the Jet Age.†The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Feb. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. . â€Å"Competitive Environment of the Airline Industry.†Competitive Environment of the Airline Industry. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. . â€Å"Good times for the Airline Industry.†The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. . Fulton, Jeff. â€Å"Airline Industry Key Success Factors.†EHow. Request Media, 29 July 2009. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ATHENS VS SPARTA articles Athens and Sparta were two significant civic establishments. Each had their own convictions, ethics, customs, and things that set them apart. They each lived in various territories of the world. Sparta was secluded, and Athens was an exchange capital of the world. They each had their own fights, wars and issues inside their regarded nations. The two of them had diverse government frameworks just as scholarly convictions. At long last it was this various convictions and pretentious pioneers that would carry the two civic establishments to their definitive defeat. Sparta is an incredible interesting country. They sit inland a lot and are segregated from exchange and from spread of different nations customs. Around 725 B.C.E. Sparta vanquished their neighbors, the Messcenians. At that point Sparta made them their slaves. The term they utilized for them were helots. The helots out numbered the Spartans 160,000 to 32,000. Since the helots dwarf the Spartans to such an extent, a revolt was unavoidable, these rebellions prompted the rise of an administration called the Lycurgan laws. Lycurgeous concocted this thought of government. Essentially, there were two lords, which were responsible for the military armed force. The rulers had the ability to veto one another, so this made it difficult for them to focus on a war, except if the two lords were supportive of it. Next we have the Ephors, there were five of them and they fundamentally controlled the helots. They Ephors additionally were responsible for global issues. The Gerousia were comprised of 30 men, and they held all legal force and choices. They couldn't propose or pass any laws. The Assembly comprised of all guys more than thirty. They were the last position however practically speaking, banter was carried on by justices, older folks, and rulers alone, and casting a ballot was as a rule by approval. On the off chance that you notice there is no genuine force with any of the official workplaces. This was deliberately it considered in a lot of governing rules between all gatherings of... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Benefits of Touring Colleges in the Summer TKG
Benefits of Touring Colleges in the Summer Four words for you: Stress. Free. Travel. Plans. Have you read our chock-a-block junior year of high school month to month checklist yet? We’ve written about the benefits of starting your college tours early, but most people wait until junior year to get organized with planning. Touring colleges is a huge part of the application process and it’s something we suggest you start early. We happen to think that touring colleges during the summer can be a great way to jumpstart the process, and here are a few reasons. Everything about the trip will be more laid-backYou won’t be in a rush to catch a flight, bus, or car immediately after school on Friday, or get home late Sunday night before a Monday morning test. Weekend travel is busy and stressful, and things will be much more enjoyable if you aren’t rushing to and from your destination. You’ll have more time to get a feel for the areas surrounding campusIf you’re touring Tufts on a Saturday, you probably won’t have much t ime to hang out in Boston. The same goes for any school: it’s beneficial to get a feel for the areas in close proximity. You’ll be spending time off campus, too, so a summer trip allows for more time to see what the cities surrounding campus have to offer. You might be able to tack on some non-college related activitiesMaybe you’re dying to see UCLA and have a friend from camp who lives in Santa Monica, or you want to check out Dartmouth but also want to mountain bike in New Hampshire. Rack your brain for things you want to do and see if you can stay an extra day and check them off of your list. While there will be fewer students on campus, they’ll likely have more time to talk to youCollege is stressful and students are busy. Summer classes are generally less time consuming, so the students hanging out on campus will probably have more time to answer your questions. But that’s not it: high school is also stressful, and if you start touring during the summer you won’t be worrying about studying for midterms and finals while trying to find your dream school. And study for the SAT. And start writing your common app. You get it. We help our students figure out where to tour. Email us if want help!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Colony Collapse Disorder - 1901 Words
The Buzz on Colony Collapse Disorder Denise Collins According to the National Geographic News website, the domestic honey bee population has decreased 50% in as many years (Roach, 2004). Many reasons are blamed for the decrease in honey bee numbers including diseases and pesticides. Scientists have given the decline in honey bee population phenomenon a name, Colony Collapse Disorder. While some experts maintain that Colony Collapse Disorder is a nuisance and not a catastrophe, it is a serious problem affecting domestic honey bees worldwide. Colony Collapse Disorder is a phenomenon affecting domestic and wild honey bee colonies worldwide. Basically what is happening is worker bees are leaving the hive and not coming back but†¦show more content†¦Spanish researchers have recently announced they have found the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder. The scientists are suggesting that the honey bees are being attacked by a fungus called Nosema ceranae. Through further testing of infected hives, the researchers may have also found a cure. Simply enough, an antibiotic has been found to be effective in curing the colony (Ford, 2009). I believe that more research needs to be done to further evaluate the Colony Collapse Disorder. We need to make sure that all possible causes have been checked and rechecked. There could be more than one cause to the devastating disorder. There could also be more than one remedy to the problem. The first item that needs to be completed is do extensive study of the both the wild and domesticated honey bee. This study of both types is to be done to see why commercial honey bee colonies are affected more often than wild hives. A healthy hive needs to be quarantined for the control. When a colony is suspected of being on the verge of collapsing, miniature transponders will be attached to worker bees to track its movements. Every aspect of the honey bees’ life needs to be studied and documented. The first sign of a colony in danger of collapse needs to be documented. When a remedy is found it can be treated as soon as possible. This step needs to be completed as quickly as possible before it becomes critical. I am estimatingShow MoreRelatedColony Collapse Disorder ( Ccd )3152 Words  | 13 PagesGodwin Dalima Directed Study in Biology 10/20/14 Ryan Fisher Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) Introduction Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a very common issue directly associated with the health status of honey bees. Several research study articles have evaluated CCD and concluded that this disorder had a significant impact on the well-being and wellness of honey bees. A significant number of research studies have examined that CCD has lead to abrupt disappearance of honey bees. The abrupt disappearanceRead MoreColony Collapse Disorder and Pesticides Essay1584 Words  | 7 PagesColony Collapse Disorder and Pesticides From around the year 2006, many bee farmers in the U.S.A and some parts of Europe started reporting sharp declines in their bee stocks. The reason for this declining numbers was not known and therefore scientists named it colony collapse disorder (CCD). Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a not a very old phenomena and it became popular when large number of bee colonies started disappearing. The disappearing was mysterious since no dead bees were found in orRead MoreThe Colony Collapse Disorder Affecting The Worldwide Bee1816 Words  | 8 PagesThe Colony Collapse Disorder Affecting the Worldwide Bee Population As the Belgian writer Maurice Maeterlinck once said: ‘‘If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.’’ The abovementioned quote that was used by the famous astrophysicist Albert Einstein many years later proves that the importance of honeybees in our ecosystems is a known fact since the beginningRead MoreEssay on Factors Contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder683 Words  | 3 Pagesin masses the next day, without return. Researchers call this occurrence, Colony Collapse Disorder, CCD. There is no set reason for CCD, but a there is a wide range of factors that are all very possible and probable to the cause of dying bees. As a consumer, everyone of us want to have fruit year round but never really take in to account how it is managed throughout the seasons. Commercial beekeepers have to haul colonies of honeybees across the country year round to pollinate during each plantsRead MoreThe Colonization Of The Colony Collapse Disorder1036 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: The Colony Collapse Disorder is a strange occurrence in which worker bees from different honeybee colonies just disappear. Honeybees, which are a crucial part of the U.S. agriculture, have been under some drastic stress from the mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder, which is a syndrome defined as a dead colony with no adult bees or dead bee bodies but with a live queen, honey and juvenile bees still present in the hive. A scientific cause for the Colony Collapse Disorder has yet to be provenRead MoreColony Collapse Disorder: History and Causes1516 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD): History and causes Abstract This paper reviews the phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), or the disappearance of large swathes of the bee population in the US and elsewhere. It reviews the potential causes of CCD, including pathogens, pesticides, and other environmental factors that could contribute to bee deaths. Although many have linked the widespread use of pesticides to the phenomenon, there is no smoking gun that is clearly implicated in causingRead MoreThe Potential Disasters of Colony Collapse Disorder 1113 Words  | 4 Pagespollination. Although much research has been done to try and discover the cause of the dying bees, no single factor has been determined. However, if the problem remains unsolved, it could lead to disastrous economic an ecological changes. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a strange phenomenon in which worker bees randomly disappear from the hive. Few or no dead workers are found within the hives that worker bees disappear from, and they are left with only a small cluster of bees with a live queenRead MoreThe Problem of Decline in Bee Population Essay3954 Words  | 16 Pagescaused by Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) During the 1980s onwards, the population of the bees had decreased at an alarming rate. The cause of the decline was â€Å"due to Varroa and tracheal mites: The first Varroa mite infestation was reported in 1987; tracheal mites were first detected in 1984.†[8] These die-offs forced many bee-keepers out of employment. These die-offs during the past were called by various names: â€Å"spring dwindle disease, fall dwindle disease, autumn collapse, May diseaseRead MoreBee Population Dubbed the Colony Collapse Disorder583 Words  | 2 PagesColony Collapse Disorder Scientists are alarmed and baffled by the decline in bee populations around the United States and other parts of the world. Since 2004 the population keeps decreasing at alarming rates. Bee researches dubbed this new phenomenon Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Resent ecotoxicological laboratory studies have looked into whether exposure to common pesticides might be impairing bee performance and contributing to their population decline. Neonicotinoids, which are manufacturedRead MoreMarketing of Haagen Dazs1114 Words  | 5 Pagesjoin our mission. the honey bee crisis honey bees work hard to pollinate hundreds of crops, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. yet over the last five years, we ve lost over one-third of our honey bee colonies nationwide, due to factors such as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), an alarming phenomenon that occurs when honey bees mysteriously desert their hive and die. researchers do not know exactly what causes CCD, but they believe there may be many contributing factors, including viruses
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Mao Zedong Of The World Essay - 1657 Words
Though Mao Zedong would argue the people wield the power to change history, they do not. Perhaps they should, but that concerns epistemological questions. And while elements of Mao’s perspectiveâ€â€that the people comprise the â€Å"motive force in the making of world history†â€â€wafted around in compelling the U.S. to intervene in Iraq in 2003, it is not a sufficient explanation. The people did not form the chief reason for the Iraqi campaign, and certainly did not originate the intervention â€Å"alone†, as Mao’s philosophy would suggest. Alternatively, Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle contends, â€Å"The history of the world is but the biography of great men.†He rightly locates the locus of watershed moments in history: great men. At the very least, a few powerful men ultimately control the people’s destinyâ€â€both near to and far from home. In reality, a small, elite group of individuals set the agenda for world order. As evidenced by the 2003 Iraq War, a tight circle of plutocratsâ€â€the president, his advisors, and those with skin in the financial gameâ€â€can steer the course for two entire nations for a decade. The Bush Doctrine vastly expanded what the United States deems a â€Å"vital interest†â€â€dragging preà «mptive action, unilateralism, and anti-terrorism under its umbrella. Democratizing nations plays a critical role in the strategy as well. A spirit of liberalism flows through the Doctrine, as it attempts to depose tyrannical dictators to ease relations between nations and foster democracy. ItShow MoreRelatedMao Zedong And Its Impact On The World1613 Words  | 7 PagesChina into the powerful and influential nation which they had never envisioned for themselves. This man’s name was Mao Zedong. Mao’s actions drove forward the process in which he turned both his nation and himself into world leaders. 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Many peopleRead MoreMao Zedong And The Revolution Of China1008 Words  | 5 PagesMao Zedong was a revolutionary who was a leading factor in the establishmen t of the People’s Republic of China. Mao Zedong was originally born in Shaoshan, China later moving to the capital Beijing to study, later getting a job at Peking University library where he was around other scholars. After World War I, the world was negotiating the Treaty of Versailles that gave Japan territory that previously belonged to Germany sparked the New Culture Movement because China had a weak response. The NewRead MoreChin Torn Apart Or Mended By The Rule Of Zedong1452 Words  | 6 PagesChina: Torn Apart Or Mended By The Rule Of Mao Zedong There is controversy whether the rule of Mao Zedong was beneficial or destructive, though by looking into the depths of history the answer is revealed. 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Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.†By the time the Qing Dynasty met its inevitable downfall in 1919, a new set of radicals started protesting of a new form of government on May Fourth. This movement, known as the May Fourth Movement, facilitated the MarxistRead MoreMao Zedong Analysis1294 Words  | 6 Pages In Oct 01, 1949, Mao Zedong published to the world about the creation of the Peoples Republic of China (â€Å" Mao Zedong proclaim Peoples Republic of China., †¦) Mao was the great contributor to united China, brought China out of the oppression of foreign country. From the Opium Wars in between the nineteenth century, Mao Zedong never stopped follow his goal by opened many campaign, and movement that help to develop the modernization of China. Mao was judge about his wrong policies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Auditing Computer Based Information Systems - 2763 Words
This research paper focuses on auditing the computer based information systems. The research methodology adopted in this case is the descriptive research based on secondary data. For the secondary data, the research paper focuses on five published research papers related to the similar field. The most important and the concrete element of any MIS is information. It needs to be constantly filled with information which is then routed through various levels of filtrations to produce meaningful information that assists employees in taking mature decisions. The road ahead was simple then with the tackling of key issues such as security and access controls, insurance policies of computing systems, examining vendor maintenance contracts and control functionality. The auditing computer based system is not as difficult as it is proclaimed by many. Most of them is just hearsay. Learning basics as to working of computer systems, one can easily grasp command over auditing such technical systems, namely knowledge of Operating Systems, Central Processing Units and Application level understanding. Auditing of online sources of financial information as well as auditing with the help of computer based system along with the manual system of auditing is a key issue that is described in this research paper. Importance Of the Study The study conducted in this research paper is important as huge chunks of financial data is now spread to the users of financial information through onlineShow MoreRelatedDo Auditors Need to Have in-Depth Knowledge of Information Technology?1362 Words  | 6 Pagesto have in-depth knowledge of information technology? Yes, auditors need to have in-depth knowledge of information technology. Networks and computers deliver the most information needed for auditing to work. For it to be effective, auditors have to use the computer as an auditing tool, audit automated systems and data, and understand the business purposes for the systems and the situation in which the systems operate. The other important uses for networks and computers by auditors are in audit administrationRead MoreEssay on Audit Proposal1327 Words  | 6 Pagesaccounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and inventory systems for Kudler Fine Foods. Kudler would now like to see a proposed audit schedule for these systems. The team will distinguish between the types of audits that may use for each process. The team will also recommend the most appropriate audit for each process and explain how to conduct the audits. Identifying events that may prevent reliance on auditing through the computer will also be presented to Kudler for review (Apollo Group,Read MoreSystem Integrity and Validation1007 Words  | 5 Pagesto the audit plan for the analyzed processes, of Kudler Fine Foods, encouragement of ways to improve audit documentation and process, by using computer technology was addressed to Kudler’s management team. As a result, Kudler Fine Foods management team is considering incorporating proposed computer assisted auditing techniques (CAATs) within its systems. CAATs will increase efficiency levels of an auditor’s personal productivity during analysis and data extraction of the audit which is beneficialRead MoreInformation Technology Audit1278 Words  | 6 PagesINF ORMATION SYSTEMS AUDIT Introduction An information technology audit, or information systems audit, is an examination of the controls within an Information technology (IT) infrastructure. IT auditing is a branch of general auditing concerned with governance (control) of information and communications technologies (computers). IT auditors primarily study computer systems and networks from the point of view of examining the effectiveness of their technical and procedural controls to minimise risksRead MoreEssay about System Integrity and Validation1055 Words  | 5 Pageshead: System Integrity and Validation System Integrity and Validation Aaron Stewart University of Phoenix Accounting Information Systems ACC/542 MBAY0ZDVQ0 Yasin Dadabhoy September 19, 2011 Preface Kudler Finer Foods has a very strong accounting information system in place but there is room for improvement. Kudler’s has taken the steps in the correct direction by implementing an industry specific system. ComputerRead MoreKudler Fine Foods Audit Processes974 Words  | 4 PagesAudit Processes Kudler Fine Food has expanded business and updated their computer systems to meet demands. As IT information is adopted within the organization, automation control processes has become more virtualized. To ensure that Kudler’s computerize systems function properly an audit must be performed on an annual basis. Management at Kudler Fine Foods wants to see the proposed audit schedules for all systems. Management wants to know the types of audit and how they will be conducted. InRead MoreComputer Assisted Audit Tools And Techniques, Data Structures And Auditing The Revenue Cycle962 Words  | 4 PagesThe third assignment is based on the following topics: Computer-assisted audit tools and techniques, Data structures and CAATT’s for Data extraction, and auditing the revenue cycle. This paper will provide solutions to the problems specified in this third assignment. The solutions can be referenced back to the provided problems from the text Information Technology Aud iting Assurance on pages 325, 384 458 respectively. Problem 1 - Processing Controls Presented in the following lines will beRead MoreManagement Requires Accurate and Reliable Accounting Control System750 Words  | 3 PagesAccounting control system ensures accuracy and reliability of information required by management for decision making. Accuracy and reliability of information is a prerequisite for management especially when an organization start becoming complex. Reliability and accuracy of information depends on how well the information reflects the economic events which t is based on. The financial statements should reflect the fair view of the status of the organization. This means that they have to be accurateRead Moreaudit proposal1127 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many different types of audits including internal, external, and information technology. Companies should be familiar with the types of audits that may possibly be used on an Accounting Information System (AIS). Knowing the different types of audits and where they are used will help a company be ready for an audit and make the process much smoother. There are some circumstances where auditing through a computer is not always beneficial. Auditors want to make sure they are completing theirRead MorePublic Auditing Cloud Computing For Privacy Preserving Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesPublic Auditing in Cloud Computing for Privacy Preserving Babita Baghat (Computer Engineering) Dhanashri Patil (Computer Engineering) Abstract - Cloud Computing is huge computing, it is the internet based computing, where all users can remotely store their data into the cloud so as to enjoy the latest and high quality applications and services. In outsourcing data, users can be relieved from the burden of local maintenance and data storage .Thus, enabling public auditability for cloud data storage
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing Plan of Samsung Capture Mobile Phone Market
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan of Samsung. Answer: Introduction For any organization to thrive and grow in the competitive market there is a need to be aware of the external and the internal market conditions. Any successful organization should start from the scratch by deciding the main objectives and goals of the organization, then move forward to external market research, and launch the business (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). The report will mainly evaluate the steps taken by Samsung to become successful and rule the market. The report will first look into the mission, visions and objectives of the company. It will then move on to evaluate the sales trends of the organization. Any big organization will face issues as far as economic perspective is concerned and Samsung is no different. The macro and microenvironmental issues will make the readers aware of the challenges faced by the organization (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). It will help in getting an idea about the types of issues one can face from the market. The report will further evaluate the marketing objectives of Samsung and will carry out the SWOT analysis to know the internal strength and weakness of Samsung. 4Ps is another essential factor of marketing that will help the organization to develop the product, give proper price and promote it in the market (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). The 4Ps is the indicator for the organization to tell them about how the product will fare in market. The perceptual mapping will help the company to check the competitors. The position of the competitors in the market will help Samsung to evaluate the proper positions where the company will be placed so that it is able to fare well than the competitors. The marketing pan also involves the planning of the expenditures of the company that will be required for promoting the company and hence, it should not be overlooked by any organization (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). Brief Background of Samsung Company Mission Statement of Samsung Company The mission statement of Samsung is to innovate new technologies, designs and products that will help in the enrichment of the life of the people and help in brining a sustainable future that will be socially responsible (Jeston and Nelis 2014). Vision Statement of Samsung Company The mission statement of Samsung of Samsung is inspire the world and create the future (Samsung.com 2016). The vision statement of Samsung can be explained by the vision 2020. It aims at innovation in the field of technology, solution and products. The organization invites the community to join them in this approach so that they are able to give better and richer experience of digital experience (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). By the year, 2020, Samsung aims at attaining an annual sale of USD 400 billion and place Samsung in the number one position among of the top 5 positions as far as overall brand value is concerned. The three strategic pillars will be able to better explain the business operation, management and culture of Samsung (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). The three pillars are: Creativity Partnership Great people Objectives of Samsung Company The objectives of Samsung can be divided into quantitative goals and qualitative goals. The quantitative goals include the achievement of USD 400 bullion as far as the sale is concerned. Moreover, be the number one in the global top 5 and the internal IT industry (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013) The qualitative goals are to be an innovative and respected company. In addition to this, the objectives include to get a position among the top ten best workplaces, be the creative leader when it comes to build new markets and be the global enterprise that will attract the best talent of the world (Choi et al. 2012). Sales Records of last 2 to 3 years Versus Market Spending of Samsung Company Spot Trend The sales record of Smartphone, one of the most dependent product line of Samsung has been slow since 2013 until the second quarter of 2015 (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). However, there has been a growth in the sale in the year 2014 as compared to the sale of the year, 2013. Number of units sold by Samsung in the year 2014 is 76,129.2 and the market share 26.2 percent. In the year, 2015, the sale of units fell down to 72072.5 units and the market share decreased to 21.9 percent (NDTV Gadgets360.com 2015). Hence, it can be seen that the sales of Samsung hugely varied from the year, 2014 and in the year 2015. The main reason for the fall has been estimated to be the rise of cheaper 3G and 4G Smartphone in the market and the popularity of those phones among the consumers (Lusch and Vargo 2014). Identification of Product Line of Samsung Company Two Other Organizations in Close Substitution with Samsung The main product line of Samsung is the Smartphone. The market of Samsung is hugely depended on this product line. The two closest competitors of Samsung in the field of Smartphone are Apple and Huawei. However, the position of Samsung is strongest than the position of the two competitors. When on one hand, Samsung recorded a sale of 72.072.5 units, on the other hand, Apple recoded a sale of 48,085.5 units and Huawei a sale of 25,085.8 units in the same year (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). The market share of Samsung was 21.9 percent in the year 2015, whereas the market share of Apple and Huawei was 14.6 percent and 7.8 percent respectively. The difference in the units and market share was no different for the year 2014. Samsung recorded a sale of 76,129.2 units in the year 2014, while Apple and Huawei recorded a sale of 35,345.3 units and 17,657.7 units respectively. Samsung had market share of 26.2 percent in the year 2016, whereas apple had a market share of 12.2 percent and Huawei had a market share of 6.1 percent (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). Samsung took huge lead in the year 2016 over Apple (Stevens 2016). In spite of the introduction of the latest iphone 7 of the iphone family, Apple was not able to make the consumer attract towards them. The introduction of Samsung S6 edge and S7 edge was enough to attract the customers towards Samsung (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). Competitor Information Apple has its headquarters in Cupertino of California. The company started its journey in the year, 1976 under the supervision of Ronald Wayne, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple.com 2016). It started working as a company that develop and sells personal computers. Apple was renamed Apple Computers Inc. In the year, 1977 and was again renamed as Apple Inc. in the year 2007. The latest production of Apple iphone is the most sought after product among the consumers. The latest release of apple is the iphone 7 (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). Ren Zhengfei, who was an ex-military officer, founded Huawei. The company started operating in the markets of China as a private firm (huawei 2016). The initial aim of the organization is to provide operations services and consulting services to the organizations in China. Currently, Huawei is having more than 140,000 employees working for it. Out of the huge number of employees 46 percent of them in involved in research and development of the products (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). Discussion on Micro and Macro Environment Issues of Samsung Company Micro Environment Factors Microanalysis defines as the scanning of internal factors for any business organization that majorly affects the working of a company (Wilson and Gilligan 2012). If a particular company has favourable internal environment, then it is an asset to the company as well as leads towards increase in productivity and further growth opportunities at the same time. Samsung Company faces stiff competition on global economy especially in India. There is availability of cheap quality affecting business in the most appropriate way. It involves constant competitors for innovating in advancement of new technology (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). Samsung Company focus mainly on customer services as well as diversification on other segments in an overall manner. Bargaining power of buyers is higher in this case. There is large availability of choices that are provided to the potential buyers. Pricing requires to be kept depending upon the customer needs and expectations and demand at the same time (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). It requires adopting innovating marketing strategy for attracting the potential customers. Good market share considers as second option in comparison with Nokia and Sony. Buyers has misconception that Samsung is a Chinese brand It can be noticed that there is even availability of cheap Chinese electronic products that largely affects the market share of Samsung Company (Mudie and Pirrie 2012). There is even delay caused in technological innovation helping other competitors named as Apple Inc. It is saturated mainly on multimedia as well as communication field at the same time (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). Some of the major international environmental factors are as follows: Innovation Innovation is one of the microanalysis factors for the company named as Samsung. Samsung believes in innovation as well as creativity in their business operations (Marshall 2014). This is major reason why Samsung is there in news for good reasons. Until now, Samsung has worked great with the association with Android. Samsung believes in upgrading their mobile phones and attain the needs of the potential customers (Lee and Carter 2012). Nexus, which is popular among the users in and across the globe Market Size Android Platform is open for all the major players as well as there is increase in the Smart phones users as viewed from past few years (Kotler et al. 2015). Market has considerable shown growth in tern of volume as well as users. It has been noticed that there is large market for the smart phone users. These phones are rendering access to millions of users who will get applications as well as features. As far as perception is concerned, Market demand will grow in the upcoming years in terms of quality as well as quantity (Hutt and Speh 2012). Demand and Supply Samsung Brand has performed successfully well in the current years when it is discussed regarding high-end smart phones (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). Samsung plays major role, as there is high-end smart phones and supplied in the present global marketplace. This is being supplied by balancing with the forces of supply as well as demand. Samsung business strategy is well planned as well as better executed in desired way. It is for this reason when a particular model demand falls; Samsung comes out with latest version and launches with updated features and better performance (Hollensen 2015). Opportunity Cost Samsung Company analyzes the opportunity cost as it refers to the loss of potential gain. Samsung moves around in planned ways from the past years as well as working at a minimum opportunity cost (Goworek and McGoldrick 2015). The company does this by accurate scan as well as research. This helps the company in making decision in the most appropriate way. Samsung launches some new product in the market and this gives rise to range of excitement among the minds of potential customers (Foxall 2014). Samsung users are on excitement phase for getting new as well as updated mobile phones. Macro Environment Factors Samsung business environment is largely affected by both external as well as internal influences. This majorly affects both local as well as global performance of close products. Macro environment can be easily understood with the help of PESTEL analysis for gaining understanding of the external analysis (Chan, He and Wang 2012). PESTEL Analysis Political Environmental Factors These factors points out the government guidelines involving the intensity of economy intervention as well as types of goods and services at the same time. Investors are required to offers its citizens as well as priorities in stipulated time in case of providing business support. According to Best (2012), country political legislation affects various fundamental areas like education of the workforce as well as level of infrastructure and health of the nation. Samsung Company is subjected in viewing at the political risks levels for operational attributes (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). Level of political risks varies from one country to other and considers as one of the tormenting factor. Samsung Company now faces political instability especially at home country. Situation of home country is quite dissimilar as well as not intense in measuring attributes in and against other countries. Samsung experiences inconvenient business environment in countries like Africa and South Ea st Asia. The business environment in these countries is hostile in nature possessing negative impact on Samsung Company. Countries like China as well as India offers advantageous business environment that majorly focus on markets in an overall manner (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). Economic Environmental Factors Economic factors include interplay between finance as well as resources of a particular country. This factor consists of interest taxes, economic development and growth, taxation dynamics as well as inflation and foreign exchange rates. These factors mainly posses remarkable impact on the business operations of Samsung Company (Goworek and McGoldrick 2015). High interest rates majorly have tendency in reducing the borrowing capability for future analysis purpose. Inflation majorly affects higher salaries by employees that increase operational cost. This particular economic situation influencing decisions of Samsung Company Social-Cultural Environment Factors Social environmental factors involve customs, practices as well as tradition varying from one social group to other (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). This revolves around variations for checking the social status affecting demand for a particular product. Readiness of people deals directly with work. Ageing is one of the social factors that posses tendency for increasing the pension payments by business firms. Samsung has succeeded in overcoming the social challenges by incorporation especially in new markets (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). Technological Environment Factors Technological factors involve inventions change products as well as production process. One of the instance of innovation means online market as well as bar coding and other computer aided designs in advancement of technology (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). One of the benefits of technology is the ability in cutting down production costs as well as improving quality at the same time. Samsung Company has strong usage of technology and ability in graining towards culture of innovativeness. Samsung believes in technological inventions that employs in introduction of new products in global marketplace (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). Environmental Factors Environmental factors involve weather as well as climate variations that influences over business operations. It means that increased ways for safeguarding the environment for creation of impact on given industries like transportation industry (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). In case of current climate change, spreadsheets by global warming affecting the business largely Legal Environment Factors Legal factors associates with operations with the company. Legal constraint influences over business operations as well as demand characteristics of consumers. Adopting minimum wage rate policy by government largely affects business firm as increasing the cost of production (Lee and Carter 2012). SWOT Analysis of Samsung Company Strength Weakness Samsung Company believes in providing innovative designs in its products (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company engages in integration of open source operating system as well as software Samsung Company has low cost of production(Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company has largest market share especially in mobile phone market Samsung Company is recognizable brand across the world (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company has strong brand reputation Samsung Company has strong research and development department (Lee and Carter 2012) Samsung Company focus on best cost and quality Samsung Company has too large product diversity as well as sale stability Samsung Company is the first mover advantages in most of the countries Samsung Company growing market share develops in the developing countries like India as well as Bangladesh Samsung Company has strong intelligence especially in gaining marketing capabilities Samsung Company has large skilled employees in and around the world with 489000 Samsung Company majorly captures more than 40% market shares especially in Netherlands Samsung Company suffers from low profit margins (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company damages its image due to infringement (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company lacks focus on product diversity Samsung Company lacks essential operating system (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company has less quality after making comparison with Apple Inc. Samsung Company depends largely on consumer electronics (Lee and Carter 2012) Samsung Company uses Android operating system that has various disadvantages as well Samsung Company majorly depends upon software (Lee and Carter 2012) Opportunities Weakness Samsung Company in Indian Smartphone is growing at faster pace (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013) Most of the individuals using features phones switches to use smart phones (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). There is growing demand for technologically advanced phone (Lee and Carter 2012) Samsung Company has strong financial position Samsung Company has growth especially in tablet market (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Samsung Company has the opportunity in involving in acquisition of new companies There are large number of competitors for Samsung Company Samsung Company competitors includes Apple and HTC (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013) Chinese competitors are majorly gaining over competitive advantage (Lee and Carter 2012) Individuals shows interest in purchase f good quality smart phones (Lee and Carter 2012) There are large number of products falling under one and affects others at the same time There are huge threat from Chinese as well as Indian and Taiwanese products (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Marketing Objectives of Samsung Company (SMART Objectives) S Means Specific Samsung Company should conduct specific activities for carrying out proper sales planning by the sales manager (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). They should enter into 3D video Gaming market by collaborating with Microsoft. It will help in capitalizing on growing video gaming market as well as intends in partnership with Microsoft. It helps in developing virtual gaming product at the same time (Lee and Carter 2012). M Means Measurable Samsung Company should implement strategies that can be measurable in qualitative and quantitative terms (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). This company should launch comprehensive campaign that focus majorly on gaining competitiveness in 3D technology. A Means Achievable Samsung Company should implement strategies that should be achievable in the upcoming financial year (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013). This particular company should achieve market dominance and leads the market position in the most appropriate way R Means Relevant Samsung Company should implement strategies that should be relevant in nature for future purpose (Samsung.com 2016). This particular company involves in advancement of product for the potential market. T Means Time Bound Samsung Company should implement strategies that should be performed on time for future purpose. This particular company need to focus majorly on innovative strategies and engages in research and development activities (Samsung.com 2016). This will help in gaining understanding on the needs as well as expectations of the customers. Perceptual Mapping Perceptual Map is a visual representation whereby target customers viewed as competing with nearest competitors alternatives representing the present market condition (Samsung.com 2016). There are various characteristics of Perceptual Map explained below: Pair-wise distances noticed between product alternatives indicating the closeness of the products especially in the minds of customers (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Vector on the map reveals the fact as it indicates both magnitude as well as direction in the Euclidean space. Vectors are majorly considered as denoting attributes with perceptual maps (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Axes on the map reveal special set of vectors that suggests underlying dimensions characterising for the customers in differentiating between alternatives (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Figure: Perpetual Mapping of Samsung (Source: Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013) Perceptual Mapping Process It is mainly specified in viewing at the relevancy of objects as well as products for the company named as Samsung Relevance means set of products that is selected from set of competitive products in managerial decision-making process (Samsung.com 2016) There are three major possible methodologies for collection of information on consumers perception from products (Samsung.com 2016). First method reveals the similarity-based method using multi-dimensional scaling (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Second method means attribution based method considering factor analysis (Pealoza, Toulouse and Visconti 2013) Third method is the joint space mapping adding up perception and preference factor (Samsung.com 2016) Uses of Perceptual Maps Customer Analysis as well as competitive analysis- It requires understanding the competitive market structure as perceived by customers. It is positioned in relation with competition as well as selection as a set of competitors competing in the near future. It represents customers perceptions for bringing effective communication as well as discussing with the management of Samsung Company (Samsung.com 2016). Product- It involves perceptions of the new product within the existing brands in the current global marketplace (Samsung.com 2016). 4 Ps of Marketing mix Product Strategy Samsung Company offers wide-range of diverse product mix in the market. It offers LED, LCD as well as Plasma 3D TVs, mobiles and other electronic goods. Samsung products come under sources of income matrix. Samsung products offer thinnest TV that is technologically advanced with streaming with live television and also offer a diverse range of mobiles also. One of the advantages of Samsung Company is the buying Samsung 3D TV for the consumer that is technologically advanced in nature. This mainly offers Samsung gaining brand recognition in the global marketplace. Offering of various implemented designs in the product also help the company to create a better image in the marketing strategies.(Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). Price Strategy Samsung Company prices ranges from $1200 to $7000. They offer diver range of product mix starting from mobile phones, Television and other electronic products. Development of the diverse range of price for the mobiles that have created an impact in the market that attract the diverse range of consumers towards the market. It has been found that the company has concentrated on the price strategy to develop better market capture comparing with the rival companies. Place Strategy Samsung Company believes in providing its products in and across the world predominantly in North America and Europe. It also has market share in Asia market (Samsung.com 2016). Samsung has designed the product for every age group and for every segments of the market and thus the proper placement of the product is very essential for the market growth. In this aspect it is important to develop appropriate proportion of outlets in the target market. Samsung has maintained that aspect in a proper way in every country . Promotion Strategy Samsung Company focuses mainly on launching advertising campaigns as well as spends billions of dollars in and across continents such as North America as well as Asia. This company spend more than $8 million for advertising its products in Europe and $3 billion in Asia individually. They also use celebrity endorsement for promoting their newly launched products (Homburg, Kuester and Krohmer 2013). In this regard it has been found that, Samsung is contributing the major attention towards the implication of digital media for the proper promotion of the Samsung mobiles. As mentioned already Samsung is spending a lot in the promotion and major involvement in the social media is contributing towards the development of the proper promotion of the Samsung products. Project Development Projects- Samsung Company has collaborated with the world leading renewable energy companies involving CS wind, Siemens as well as clean energy components. This involves wind towers as well as blades and solar modules. It renders manufacturing facilities in Ontario. Samsung focus mainly on working on the major components as well as solar projects at the same time. These projects act as attainment of largest cluster of wind as well as solar power. It has direct Agreement committing towards collaborating for investment purpose. Conclusion and Recommendations At the end of the study, it is concluded that Samsung Company leads the current market in electronics section. It is further suggested in involving in various innovative activities for retaining in the global marketplace. It is advisable to Samsung Company in taking initiatives as well as providing more environmentally friendly electronic products for gaining the leadership position. Samsung Company enhances in conducting advertisement campaigns for creation of greater brand awareness. Samsung Company needs to consider aspects regarding attainment of Corporate Social Responsibility. Samsung Company needs to enhance their brand image by engaging in social causes like good corporate image as well as for people. Samsung Company should make improvement in the after sales services as satisfaction leads directly to customer retention policies. Samsung Company should make ways for conduct efficient research and development activities. Conclusions are drawn by using SWOT analysis of Samsung Company. Strategies involve digital vision as innovation as well as meeting challenges and creativity. Target debt-to-equity ratio arrives at 50% and 7% of total revenues should be under research and development activities. This company has overseas partners namely technology transfer arrangements as well as joint investments. Reference List Apple.com, 2016.Apple Info - Apple. [online] Apple.com. Available at: https://www.apple.com/about/ [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Best, R., 2012. Market-based management. Pearson Higher Ed. Chan, H.K., He, H. and Wang, W.Y., 2012. 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